
The Week End Er Post (except its Monday)

So it was a pretty uneventful weekend. I suppose. In terms of fun.
Carol left us *sniff sob sob* but we got to see her parents on her way out so that was nice. I still need to put up a picture of P in the dress Carol got her...ALSO forgot to take photos of the pool run this morning in P's new frilly pink swim suit!! The swim didn't last long because said pool was NOT heated

What we DID do this weekend besides miss Carol's wit and baby charming skills was go to Olive Garden. Now. After you spend DAYS eating horrible food...make that a month of horrible food because we mostly ate romaine noodles every night while we were waiting to should NOT go to Olive Garden and have break sticks, salad, fried lasagna (freakin deeelish) plus your order of pasta and sweet tea.
May I say when I drank the sweet tea I almost spit it back out because it tasted like unsweetened. I do miss southern sweet tea.
But both of us felt like we were going to die when we were done eating, thanks to our steady diet of junk food.
Phoenix ate this much of her special made ravioli...
Which equaled about nothing. Maybe 2 heads of broccoli. She was perfectly content to chew a coaster to bits (spitting out the chewed pieces and handing them to us very politely) and making herself have a mustache with the black straws they gave us.
Also occasionally leaning over to lick/BITE Allen's arm when she felt there wasn't enough attention focused on HER...
But she did eventually consent to drinking some milk. Note her reaching for the mustache straw to put back on her face as soon as the enforced drinking time was up.
Thank God, she finally did fall asleep.

The only other things of note this weekend were finding a restaurant called FasTaco. Made sure to NOT visit for any reason no matter how much we wanted tacos. Allen got to see his old friend Daniel who was touring with his orchestra and had a concert in town last night. And us finding out that the appraisal on our house was so low that the bank is fighting it and won't give us the money or close until the VA appraiser changes his mind and stops trying to value the house like it is a HUD home in the slums. Seriously if we bought it for what he said it was worth it would be a crime. We could turn around and sell it, making enough for a 15K down payment on a bigger home.
But now the bank has no idea when we can move in. Not seeming to care that every day we are in this hotel and renting this moving truck is costing us $150+. That adds up. Very. Quickly. Then they are going to run a last minute credit check before the closing and find maxed out credit cards because they should have done the appraisal weeks ago and no one with our income can afford to live in hotels. Not to mention a hotel on the nice end of town because we don't want our moving truck jacked.
This was the best pic of the weekend I think:


  1. Ohmifreakingosh Phoenix is way too cute and I miss her to bits!! Also, I'm not finding any blog about our night on the town and the popo. This might need to be fixed. I miss you guys!! And I figured out how much gas it'll cost to get down there, so as soon as I can get it, here comes The Phoenix Whisperer!!

  2. This is fantastic!! "Phoenix, eat the table." She could have just eaten that?

    I'm super sorry about your house woes. I just just steal it. The house, I mean. What are they going to do about it!? :)

    AND LOL ^^ Phoenix Whisperer.

  3. I'm magical. Truth. Just ask Shell.
